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Hair Transplants

FUE Hair Transplant Surgery Derby

FUE Hair Transplants is the most popular form of surgical hair transplant treatment in the UK. 

Here at Hair Loss Studio we have Doctors that specialise conducting FUE Hair Transplants, with years of experience in this field. To find out more information about your options, come and speak to one of our advisors in Derby. Whether you are at the beginning of your journey or almost ready to dive in here are some points that may help.

• Here at the Hair Loss Studio we specialise in FUE. Follicular Unit Extraction is one of the most highly advanced treatments we offer and is a clinically proven method for permanent results.

• You will be under local anaesthetic throughout the procedure. The anaesthetic injection itself is the only part throughout that can feel slightly uncomfortable, however this is very brief.

• Our specialists will take hair roots from the donor region. This is found at the back of the head, it is then transplanted to the desired area at the top, front, crown or all over.

• The best part is minimal or no scarring comes from this method of treatment that is because the hair follicles are removed individually, this makes it different to the old-fashioned strip method or FUT.

•  As no stitches are required the recovery time is very short with the FUE method.

• Around 1000-6000 hairs are transplanted on average. UK clinics typically charge per graft which can sometimes mean the prices can increase between the initial consultation and eventual treatment.

• Hair Loss Studio believe that all the thinking should be left to the surgeon. We charge a set fee upto 3,000 grafts. Our guarantee is to transplant the maximum number of hairs that are needed to cover an area. This will typically range from 1000 to 6000 hairs (this varies depending on the client).

• Hair will grow gradually and an end result of maximum growth is seen around 12 - 18 months
All you need to do is to get in touch with us to arrange a free, no obligation consultation. Our team are happy to help.

For further information right now on FUE Hair Transplant surgery please contact us

We can offer the latest procedures in Follicle Unit Extraction (FUE) hair transplants across our clinics. Hair transplants are available at our specialist centres across the globe.

We ensure that all of our clinics use only the most advanced and clinically proven techniques that will get the best results possible. We’re not like other clinics we will only use the FUE form of transplant. See the reasons.

• FUE transplants are carried out under local anaesthetic. This means you can be relaxed throughout the procedure. Most of our patients listen to audiobooks or music throughout the procedure.

• We only use expert surgeons, and advanced techniques. The techniques used mean results of the procedure appear incredibly natural.

• There are some old fashioned techniques such as FUT however with FUE very minimum or no scar is visible after treatment.

• The recovery period is minimal, this is due to the fact that no stitches are required.

• Once the treatment is fully complete you can choose the style of your hair be it long or short.

• You will have full access to the surgeon for any after care queries you may have.

All our hair transplants are done in the UK and Consultations can be done at your nearest clinic or online.

What is FUE treatment?

FUE treatment is performed by taking a hair follicle from anywhere on the human body (typically back of the head), where it is then planted into the scalp to grow into a healthy new hair. The First step for the surgeon is to take hair from other areas of the patient’s head but if necessary, they will use hair from elsewhere on the body which will then be blended in to the rest of your existing hair. This ensures you are left with the best natural look possible.

Our Patients will be given a local anaesthetic during the procedures, then they will be able to relax with a movie or book or free to use our WiFi throughout the length of the procedure. We will then shave the donor areas along with the area to be treated, some areas will not need to be shaved. The surgeon will go over this with you. Usually, the procedure time will be a maximum of 10 hours but this is depending on the number of grafts required for the treatment

Some of the older forms of treatment such as FUT leave patients with damage or scars, however, with FUE the patient will be left with minimum or no scars as the hair follicles are simply removed individually.

Once the treatment is completed, patients will then be able to relax where they will be looked after by the specially trained team. Patients simply rest for a few hours before being able to continue with their day. They will then be shown how to take care of the scalp for the following 10 days.

During this period the scalp will need to be cleaned gently but there will be no need for any bandages.

Typically around 10 days after the treatment the transplanted hairs will shed, this is called the Exogen phase. This will then allow the new hairs to enter the Anagen Phase and begin to grow naturally. After 12 months you will have plenty of hair that is going to stay around for a lifetime. Maintenance is as easy as washing your transplanted hair in the exact way as you would the rest of your hair. The one downside is you will certainly be spending more money at the barbers, but we would hope that is a worthwhile trade off.

Book Your Free Consultation Today

If you would like to discuss the best treatment for you then call us today for a free consultation. Many of our team have experienced hair loss themselves and have received treatment for restoration. Our customer-centric approach ensures that you receive the very best results. 

All consultations take place at our Derby branch where our team of clinicians can offer Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Low Level Laser Treatment and Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) & Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).

What can I expect on the day of my transplant? 


You'll arrive at our medical clinic early morning and have your final consultation with your Surgeon. We will trim your hair in the needed areas, and your hairline and donor area will be drawn on.


The Physician will trim the hair make the markings in the donor and recipient areas. After preparing the donor area (back and/or lateral part of the scalp) by trimming the hair down, local anesthesia is applied.


The Surgeon will extract the hair units from the scalp with the aid of extremely fine forceps. The number of follicular units extracted in a one-day procedure ranges from 1500 to 3000, which amounts to 3000 to 8000 hairs. This number varies from patient to patient, according to the density of the donor zone (number of hairs per follicular unit).


Immediately after their extraction, the follicular units are placed in a specific solution that ensures their vitality. A member of the team starts their preparation under the magnification of a stereoscopic microscope. The proper preparation and conservation of the follicular units are essential for the success of the transplant.


As the transplantation may last from 5 to 8 hours and even though the patient will be pain-free under just local anesthesia, a break is needed between the end of the extraction phase and the beginning of implantation. This short break averaging 30 minutes allows the patient to have a light meal, provided in the recovery room.


In this phase of the procedure, anesthesia is applied to the recipient area and micro orifices are made where the follicular units will be later implanted. The incisions are made with needles with a thickness of under 1 mm. The depth of incision is exactly the same as the follicular unit length, thus avoiding the lesion of the blood vessels present in the scalp. The incisions define the future angle and growth direction of the hairs, which will be similar to the natural hairs present at the recipient area. The follicular units are then implanted one by one in the bald recipient zone, respecting the direction, angle and density distribution patterns of the existing hair in the recipient area.


Once the procedure is completed, you will have a fresh bandage around the back and sides, with the top exposed. Your consultant will go over the aftercare procedure again and you are free to go. We ask you to arrange a ride home, as you do not want to go on public transport or drive after your procedure.


For the first 3 days you need to be extremely careful you don't touch the hair transplant, this includes sleeping up right. After 3 days, you'll gently wash the transplant with baby shampoo. After 10 days you can wear a hat and after 3 weeks you can wear a helmet. About 80% of the transplanted hairs fall between the first and the sixth week after surgery leaving their roots inside the scalp. This is a normal part of the procedure and you'll begin to see a thin sprout of new hair growth from 3 months. Full results after 12 months. 

Book Your Free Consultation Today

If you would like to discuss the best treatment for you then call us today for a free consultation. Many of our team have experienced hair loss themselves and have received treatment for restoration. Our customer-centric approach ensures that you receive the very best results. 

All consultations take place at our Derby branch where our team of clinicians can offer Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), Low Level Laser Treatment and Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) & Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).
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